
Mastering Predictive Analytics with R

R offers a free and open source environment that is perfect for both learning and deploying predictive modeling solutions in the real world. With its constantly growing community and plethora of packages, R offers the functionality to deal with a truly vast array of problems. Updated with revamped examples and to the latest version of R, this book is designed to be both a guide and a reference for moving beyond the basics of predictive modeling.

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Who Is This Book For?

Although budding data scientists, predictive modelers, or quantitative analysts with only basic exposure to R and statistics will find this book to be useful, the experienced data scientist professional wishing to attain master level status , will also find this book extremely valuable.. This book assumes familiarity with the fundamentals of R, such as the main data types, simple functions, and how to move data around. Although no prior experience with machine learning or predictive modeling is required, there are some advanced topics provided that will require more than novice exposure.

Book content

chapters 14h56m total length

Gearing Up for Predictive Modeling

Tidying Data and Measuring Performance

Linear Regression

Generalized Linear Models

Neural Networks

Support Vector Machines

Tree-based Methods

Dimensionality Reduction

Ensemble Methods

Probabilistic Graphical Models

Topic Modeling

Recommendation Systems

Scaling Up

Deep Learning

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