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Who Is This Book For?
This book is for Python programmers with an intermediate background and an interest in design patterns implemented in idiomatic Python. Programmers of other languages who are interested in Python can also benefit from this book, but it would be better if they first read some introductory materials that explain how things are done in Python.
Mastering Python Design Patterns
- About Book
- Who Is This Book For?
- Book Content
Book content
chapters • 7h4m total length
Improving object creation: The Factory pattern
Creating complex objects: The Builder pattern
Cloning an object: The Prototype pattern
Making two incompatible interfaces compatible: TheAdapter pattern
Extending the behavior of an object without subclassing:The Decorator pattern
Simplifying access to a complex system: The Facadepattern
Reusing objects: The Flyweight pattern
Keeping the logic decoupled from the user interface: TheModel View Controller Pattern
Securing an interface: The Proxy pattern
Sending broadcast messages: The Chain Of Responsibilitypattern
Adding undo support: The Command pattern
Creating a Domain Specific Language: The Interpreterpattern
Notifying all the stakeholders when the state of an objectchanges: The Observer pattern
Implementing a state machine: The State pattern
Choosing an algorithm dynamically: The Strategy pattern
Abstracting the common parts of an algorithm: TheTemplate pattern
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