
Mastering spaCy

Using machine learning-based NLP models, you can speed up business processes, make more accurate predictions, and uncover new insights from your existing data, where spaCy, an advanced industrial-grade natural language processing library, can help. With this book, you'll learn how to use it and create high-impact ML solutions for NLP.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is for data scientists and machine learners who want to excel in NLP as well as NLP developers who want to master spaCy and build applications with it. Language and speech professionals who want to get hands-on with Python and spaCy and software developers who want to quickly prototype applications with spaCy will also find this book helpful. Beginner-level knowledge of the Python programming language is required to get the most out of this book. A beginner-level understanding of linguistics such as parsing, POS tags, and semantic similarity will also be useful.

Book content

chapters 11h52m total length

Getting Started with spaCy

Core Operations with spaCy

Linguistic Features

Rule-Based Matching

Working with Word Vectors and Semantic Similarity

Putting Everything Together: Semantic Parsing with spaCy

Customizing spaCy Models

Text Classification with spaCy

spaCy and Transformers

Putting Everything Together: Designing Your Chatbot with spaCy

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