
Mastering Spring Application Development

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Who Is This Book For?

If you are a Java developer with experience in developing applications with Spring, then this book is perfect for you. A good working knowledge of Spring programming conventions and applying dependency injections is recommended to make the most of this book.

Book content

chapters 9h36m total length

Develop simple application with Spring Data and MongoDB

Developing Messaging applications with Spring JMS and Active MQ

Develop Email Applications with Spring Email Templates

Develop Scheduling application with Spring Batch

Implement FTP using Spring FTP Configuration support

Develop an with Spring to handle Httpinbound and Httpoutbound requests

Develop distributed applications with Spring with Apache Hadoop

Implement OSGI Service registery with Spring

Bootstrap your Application with SpringBoot

Caching your Application with Spring Cache

Spring with ThymeLeaf Integration

Spring webservices

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