
MATLAB for Machine Learning

MATLAB is the language of choice for many researchers and mathematics experts for machine learning. This book will build a foundation for machine learning using MATLAB for beginners. It will also help you learn regression, clustering, classification, predictive analytics, artificial neural networks, and more with MATLAB.

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Who Is This Book For?

This book is for data analysts, data scientists, students, or anyone who is looking to get started with machine learning and want to build efficient data processing and predicting applications. A mathematical and statistical background will really help in following this book well.

Book content

chapters 12h44m total length

Getting Started with Matlab Machine Learning

Importing and organizing data in Matlab

From data to knowledge discovery

Finding relationships between variables - Regression techniques

Pattern recognition through classification algorithms

Identifying groups of data by clustering methods

Simulation of human thinking - Artificial neural networks

Improves the performance of the machine learning model - Dimensionality reduction

Machine learning in practice

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