
Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics

Discover how you can perform your own modern text analysis, to make predictions, create inferences, and gain insights about the data around you today. Learn how to harness the powerful Python ecosystem and tools such as spaCy and Gensim to perform natural language processing, and computational linguistics algorithms.

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Who Is This Book For?

This book is for you if you want to dive in, hands-first, into the interesting world of text analysis and NLP, and you're ready to work with the rich Python ecosystem of tools and datasets waiting for you!

Book content

chapters 10h12m total length

What is Text Analysis?

Python Tips for Text Analysis

spaCy’s Language Models

Gensim – Vectorizing text and transformations and n-grams

POS-Tagging and its Applications

NER-Tagging and its Applications

Dependency Parsing

Top Models

Advanced Topic Modelling

Clustering and Classifying Text

Similarity Queries and Summarization

Word2Vec, Doc2Vec and Gensim

Deep Learning for text

Keras and spaCy for Deep Learning

Sentiment Analysis and ChatBots

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