
Python Data Analysis

This book will show data analysis tasks, ranging from data retrieval, cleaning, manipulation, visualization, and storage to complex analysis and modeling using a variety of modules such as NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, pandas, scikit-learn, and NLTK. You will be able to analyze different kinds of data including numeric, text, time-series, graph, and social media.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is for programmers, scientists, and engineers who have the knowledge of Python and know the basics of data science. It is for those who wish to learn different data analysis methods using Python 3.5 and its libraries. This book contains all the basic ingredients you need to become an expert data analyst.

Book content

chapters 11h total length

Getting Started with Python Libraries

NumPy Arrays

The Pandas Primer

Statistics and Linear Algebra

Retrieving, Processing and Storing Data

Data Visualization

Signal Processing and Time-series

Working with databases

Analyzing Textual Data and Social Media

Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning

Environments outside of the Python ecosystem and Cloud Computing

Performance Tuning, Profiling and Concurrency

Appendix A: Key Concepts

Appendix B: Useful Functions

Online Resources

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