
Python Deep Learning Projects

Python Deep Learning Projects book will simplify and ease how deep learning works, and demonstrate how neural networks play a vital role in exploring predictive analytics across different domains. You will explore projects in the field of computational linguistics, computer vision, machine translation, pattern recognition and many more

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Who Is This Book For?

Python Deep Learning Projects is for you if you want to get insights into deep learning, data science, and artificial intelligence. This book is also for those who want to break into deep learning and develop their own AI projects. It is assumed that you have sound knowledge of Python programming

Book content

chapters 15h44m total length

Building Deep Learning Environment

Training Neural Network for Prediction using Regression

Word Vector representationusing Word2VEC (skip-gram) for word prediction

Build NLP pipeline for Open-Domain Question Answering

Sequence-to-sequence models for building chatbots

Generative Language modelling using Bi-LSTM for content creation

Building Speech Recognition with DeepSpeech2

Handwritten digits classification using ConvNets

Real-time Object Detection using OpenCV and TensorFlow

Building Face Recognition using OpenFace and Clustering

Automated Image Captioning with NeuralTalk model

Pose Estimation on 3D models using ConvNets

Image translation using GANs for style transfer

Develop anautonomous Agents with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Summary and Next Steps in Your Deep Learning Career

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