
R Programming By Example

R is a high-level statistical language and is widely used among statisticians and data miners to develop analytical applications. Based on the version 3.4, this book will help you develop strong fundamentals when working with R by taking you through a series of full representative examples, giving you a holistic view of R.

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Who Is This Book For?

This books is for aspiring data science professionals or statisticians who would like to learn about the R programming language in a practical manner. Basic programming knowledge is assumed.

Book content

chapters 15h40m total length

Introduction to R

Analyzing Brexit Votes with Descriptive Statistics

Analyzing Brexit Votes with Linear Models

Extracting and Visualizing Data From Company Products

Analyzing Text Data From Company Products

Building and Object-Oriented Stock Trades Evaluation System

Improving the Performance of Our Stock Trades Evaluation System

Building Dashboards For Our Stock Trades Evaluation System

Improving Performance With Delegation and Parallelization

Adding Interactivity With Dashboards


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