
Vue.js 3 Design Patterns and Best Practices

This book takes you by the hand, helping you learn how to develop, test, build, and deploy Vue 3 applications by implementing software engineering principles and design patterns. It shows you how to apply theoretical concepts in a practical way, going from basic applications to more complex architectures.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is for Vue.js developers who are passionate about framework design principles and seek to apply commonly found design patterns to their web development projects. This book assumes prior knowledge of JavaScript and a basic understanding of Vue.js, making it an ideal resource for developers looking to expand their existing skillset.

Book content

chapters 9h52m total length

The Vue 3 Framework

Software Design Principles and Patterns

Setting Up a Working Project

User Interface Composition with Components

Single-Page Applications

Progressive Web Applications

Data Flow Management

Multithreading with Web Workers

Testing and Source Control

Deploying Your Application

Bonus Chapter - UX Patterns


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