
Web Development with Django

Django is frequently promoted as a “batteries included” web development framework, meaning that it comes with all the core features needed to build a standalone application. This book will equip you with a basic understanding of Python to build useful real-world applications with the power of Django.

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Who Is This Book For?

This book is for programmers looking to enhance their web development skills using the Django framework. To fully understand the concepts explained in this book, basic knowledge of Python programming as well as familiarity with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS is assumed.

Book content

chapters 25h28m total length

An Introduction to Django

Models and Migrations

URL Mapping, Views, and Templates

An Introduction to Django Admin

Serving Static Files


Advanced Form Validation and Model Forms

Media Serving and File Uploads

Sessions and Authentication

Advanced Django Admin and Customization

Advanced Templating and Class-Based Views

Building a REST API

Generating CSV, PDF, and Other Binary Files

Testing Your Django Applications

Django Third-Party Libraries

Using a Frontend JavaScript Library with Django

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