
Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

If you are already working as a network penetration tester and want to expand your knowledge of web application hacking, then this book tailored for you. Those who are interested in learning more about the Kali Sana tools that are used to test web applications will find this book a thoroughly useful and interesting guide.

Book content

chapters 10h24m total length

Introduction to Web Application Hacking

Setting up your Lab with Kali Linux

Reconnaissance and Profiling the Web server

Major Flaws in Today's Web Application

Attacking the server using Injection Based Flaws

Exploiting Clients using XSS and CSRF flaws

Attacking SSL based websites

Exploiting the Client using Attack Frameworks in kali Linux

AJAX and its Inherent Security issues due to Increased Attack surface

Fuzzing Web Application

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