
WordPress Plugin Development Cookbook

Become familiar with WordPress' API functions to create high-quality, secure plugins with easy-to-use administration interfaces. With new recipes and up-to-date code samples, this third edition teaches you how to create plugins of varying complexity, ranging from a few lines of code to complex extensions that provide intricate new capabilities.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is for WordPress users, developers, and site integrators interested in creating new plugins to address their personal needs, fulfill client requirements, and bring new capabilities to the WordPress community. Basic knowledge of PHP and WordPress is expected.

Book content

chapters 14h total length

Preparing a Local Development Environment

Plugin Framework Basics

User Settings and Administration Pages

The Power of Custom Post Types

Customizing Post and Page Editors

Extending the Block Editor

Accepting User Content Submissions

Customizing User Data

Leveraging JavaScript, jQuery, and AJAX Scripts

Adding New Widgets to the WordPress Library

Fetching, Caching, and Regularly Updating External Site Data

Enabling Plugin Internationalization

Distributing Your Plugin on

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