
WordPress Web Application Development

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is intended for WordPress developers and designers who have the desire to go beyond conventional website development to develop quality web applications within a limited time frame and for maximum profit. Experienced web developers who are looking for a framework for rapid application development will also find this to be a useful resource. Prior knowledge with of WordPress is preferable as the main focus will be on explaining methods for adapting WordPress techniques for web application development rather than explaining basic skills with WordPress.

Book content

chapters 12h32m total length

WordPress as a Web Application Framework

Implementing Membership Roles and Permissions

Planning and Customizing Core Database

Building Blocks of Web Applications

Developing Pluggable Modules

Customizing Dashboard for Powerful Backends

Adjusting Theme for Amazing Frontends

Enhancing the Power of Open Source Libraries and Plugins

Listening to Third Party Applications

Integrating and Finalizing Portfolio Management Application

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