3 Steps To Unlock Skill-Based Training For Your Employees

27 Aug 2024
15 min read
3 Steps To Unlock Skill-Based Training For Your Employees

With the growing demand for providing skill-based training to employees, many organizations have started adapting themselves to bridge the skills gap among their employees. In fact, 70% of L&D professionals claim they need help bridging the skills gap in their organizations. This is why 76% of employers have started using skill-based hiring to find talented individuals, while 55% of them use role-specific skill tests to analyze the candidate’s potential for the given role, according to TestGorilla’s The State of Skills-Based Hiring 2022 report

skill based training for employees

Previously, companies focused on providing just product-based training to help employees understand the process and gain knowledge about the policies. However, they realized that skill-based training required an equal amount of importance in the workplace. 

For instance, strong leadership skills accelerate growth and development, allowing managers to deliver results in real-time. Similarly, skill-based training is equally effective in enabling employees to unlock their full potential and contribute to the success of organizational growth.

So what exactly does it mean? Let us read further to understand the definition and discover the key steps to introduce skill-based training in the organization.

What Is Skill-Based Training?

what is a skill based training?

Skill-based training, also known as competency-based training, is a targeted approach to employee development. Unlike general training programs that cover a wide range of topics or soft skills, skills-based training focuses on the specific abilities that are crucial for success in a particular role or industry. It’s a more focused way to ensure people have what it takes to excel in their positions.

Skill-based learning can include everything from technical skills, like coding or operating machinery, to soft skills, such as communication or leadership. The main objective of this training is to help employees use the necessary skills directly in their roles, thus boosting their performance and productivity, which ultimately benefits your organization.

Why Is Skill-Based Training Important?

why is a skill based training important

According to McKinsey, large companies like IBM, Walmart, and Boeing have pledged to implement skills-based practices in their organization. Another report by PWC showcases that 74% of employees want to develop new skills to remain competitive and employable in the company.

Ultimately, skill-based training is a strategic investment that benefits both employers and employees in the long run. Here are some of the key reasons why it is important in the workplace:

1. Relevance

Skill-based learning helps employees develop skills that are directly useful at work. By improving these skills, employees can perform better and contribute more effectively to their organizations.

2. Adaptability

In fast-changing industries, it's crucial to keep learning and adapting. Skill-based training helps employees stay flexible and succeed in a dynamic work environment.

3. Problem-solving

This training encourages critical thinking and problem-solving. By working through practical scenarios, employees enhance their ability to think creatively and solve complex problems.

4. Employee Engagement

Skill-based learning keeps employees actively involved and motivated. When training focuses on practical use, employees are more engaged, leading to higher job satisfaction and better retention.

5. Talent Acquisition

Companies that focus on skill development attract top talent who are eager to grow and advance within the organization.

6. Culture of Continuous Improvement

Ongoing skill development encourages employees to be open to feedback and growth, fostering a positive work environment where everyone is motivated to embrace challenges and improve continuously.

3 Key Steps To Develop Skill-Based Training For Your Employees

Skill-based training is a strategic investment that benefits everyone in the organization. In fact, a recent study by the American Society for Training and Development reveals that comprehensive workplace training programs result in 218% higher income per employee.

Each role in your organization comes with a different set of challenges. Hence, it is important to carefully plan and execute your training as per the needs of your employees.

Here are the 3 essential steps to unlock skill-based learning in your organization:

1. Identify The Skills

identify skills of your employees

Start by figuring out the exact skills needed for each job and for your organization overall. This means taking a close look at what each role requires, identifying any gaps in performance, and keeping an eye on industry trends.

  • Analyze Job Requirements: Review the job descriptions for each role to understand what skills are needed. Talk to employees and managers to find out which skills are crucial for success in their positions.
  • Identify Performance Gaps: Look at recent performance reviews and feedback to see where employees might be struggling. This will help you pinpoint which skills need more focus.
  • Keep Up with Industry Trends: Stay informed about changes and emerging skills in your industry. This will ensure your training programs stay relevant and help your team stay ahead of the competition.

2. Assess The Gaps

evaluate skills gap in the workplace

In today’s hybrid work environment, where employees frequently switch between remote and in-office settings, conducting a skill gap analysis is more important than ever. This analysis helps pinpoint the specific skills employees need but may be lacking to perform their tasks efficiently.

Here is everything you must consider while addressing and assessing the skills gap:

  • Assess Current Skills vs. Required Skills: Start by reviewing the list of skills you’ve already identified for each role, which includes both technical and soft skills. Compare these with the actual skills employees currently have. This comparison will highlight where gaps exist.
  • Evaluate Performance in Different Settings: Consider how the hybrid work model affects skill application. For example, certain skills might be more critical for remote work than in-office tasks. Assess how well employees are adapting to these requirements in both environments.
  • Prioritize Training Needs: Use the insights from your skill gap analysis to prioritize training programs. Focus on the areas where the gaps are most significant and where improving skills will have the greatest impact on performance.

3. Build The Program

build a skill based training program for employees

After identifying the skill gaps, the next step is to develop those skills through a well-structured training program. Planning out the entire training journey is crucial for success. Selecting the right training tools can make this process much easier. 

  • Integrate Training into Daily Work: Incorporate skill development into everyday tasks. Encourage employees to use their new skills in their daily work and create opportunities for hands-on practice.
  • Tailor Training for Hybrid Work: Design training programs that address the unique needs of hybrid work environments. This might include online modules for remote work skills and in-person workshops for skills that benefit from face-to-face interaction.
  • Provide Resources and Support: Make sure employees have everything they need to succeed—training materials, tools, and support from managers or mentors.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review and update your skill gap analysis as roles and technologies evolve. Make adjustments to your training programs based on feedback and changes in work patterns.

The Future Of Skill-Based Training In Professional Development

future of skill based training for employees

Skill-based learning is evolving rapidly, shaping the future of professional development in several key ways:

1. Personalized Learning Paths

As technology advances, training programs will become more tailored to individual needs. AI and data analytics will create personalized learning experiences, identifying exactly what skills each employee needs and delivering content accordingly.

2. Microlearning and On-Demand Training

Bite-sized learning modules and on-demand resources will become more prevalent. Employees will be able to access short, focused lessons whenever they need them, fitting learning into their busy schedules more easily.

3. Integration of Technology

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) will provide immersive training experiences, allowing employees to practice skills in realistic scenarios. Gamification and interactive platforms will also make learning more engaging and effective.

4. Continuous Learning Culture

Organizations will shift towards fostering a culture of continuous learning. Instead of one-time training sessions, employees will engage in ongoing skill development, supported by regular feedback and career growth opportunities.

5. Focus on Soft Skills

While technical skills are crucial, there will be a growing emphasis on developing soft skills like communication, leadership, and emotional intelligence. These skills will be integrated into skill-based training to ensure well-rounded professional growth.

6. Collaboration and Peer Learning

Learning will increasingly involve collaboration, with peer-to-peer training and knowledge sharing becoming more common. Social learning platforms will facilitate this exchange, enhancing the learning experience.

In Conclusion

skill based training for employees

Skill-based training is a powerful approach to employee development that aligns learning with the specific needs of both the individual and the organization. By focusing on the exact skills required for each role, this method ensures that employees can perform their tasks more effectively and contribute to the organization’s success. 

However, none of this is possible unless you invest in the right eLearning tool that can streamline skill-based development for employees. This is why we suggest you invest in Calibr.AI, one of the best LMS tools to help you provide a personalized training journey to your employees.

Calibr LXP not only allows you to tailor the content and provide a blended learning experience to your employees but also integrates AI-powered course authoring tools to help you build an entire course from scratch within a few minutes. So what are you waiting for? Schedule your demo and get started with the 30-day free trial now!

frequently asked questions


1. What is skill-based training?

Skill-based training focuses on developing specific skills required for particular job roles. Unlike general training, it targets practical abilities that employees need to excel in their positions, such as technical skills or leadership qualities.

2. Why is skill-based training important for employees?

Skill-based training enhances employees' job performance by equipping them with the precise skills needed for their roles. It improves productivity, helps in adapting to industry changes, and boosts employee engagement and satisfaction.

3. How do I identify skill gaps in my team?

Start by reviewing job descriptions, performance reviews, and industry trends to determine the skills needed. Then, compare these requirements with the current skills of your employees to identify any gaps and prioritize areas for development.

4. What are some effective methods for skill-based training?

Effective methods include using personalized learning paths, on-demand resources, and interactive tools like VR and AR. Incorporating training into daily tasks and providing continuous feedback also enhances the learning experience.

5. How can technology improve skill-based training?

Technology can personalize learning experiences through AI, offer microlearning modules for flexibility, and use VR/AR for immersive training. These tools make training more engaging, efficient, and tailored to individual needs.

Chandni Ahuja

As an enthusiastic English literature graduate, Chandni enjoys writing as much as a toddler enjoys animation. She discovered her passion for writing and expressing thoughts through this form amidst the nail-biting months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ever since then, she has volunteered in various anthology books that have been published on Amazon. Her experience working on a diverse range of verticals has enabled her to excel in this domain and face new challenges as they come. With a contagious thrill and excitement at the workplace, Chandni embraces wearing different hats and soaks up information like a sponge.