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OSHA Workplace Violence Prevention Quiz

Tanvi Arora
6 Apr 2024
11 min read
OSHA Workplace Violence Prevention Quiz

OSHA Workplace Violence Prevention Quiz is an essential tool for any organization looking to bolster its knowledge on creating a safer work environment. This quiz will guide you through various scenarios and recommendations outlined by OSHA, helping you understand the critical components of violence prevention in the workplace.

Whether you're honing your existing strategy or starting to develop a comprehensive plan, our quiz is your first step towards ensuring compliance with OSHA guidelines and fostering a secure and respectful workplace for all employees. Let's test your awareness and see how prepared you are to prevent and address workplace violence.

OSHA Workplace Violence Prevention Quiz

This quiz is aimed to test and enhance your knowledge about workplace violence prevention measures as recommended by OSHA. It includes both multiple-choice and true/false questions. Select the best answer or indicate whether the statement is true or false.

1. What is OSHA's primary role in workplace violence prevention? 

A) Enforcement of criminal laws 

B) Providing mental health services to employees 

C) Setting and enforcing standards to ensure workplace safety and health 

D) Mediating conflicts between employees 

Answer: C

2. True or False: OSHA has specific standards for workplace violence. 

Answer: False (OSHA does not have specific standards for workplace violence but provides guidelines and recommendations.)

3. Which industry is considered at higher risk for workplace violence according to OSHA? 

A) Finance 

B) Healthcare 

C) Information Technology 

D) Marketing 

Answer: B

4. True or False: OSHA recommends that all workplaces have a zero-tolerance policy toward workplace violence. 

Answer: True

5. What should a workplace violence prevention program include? 

A) Procedures for reporting incidents 

B) Regular training for employees 

C) Strategies for hazard identification and assessment 

D) All of the above 

Answer: D

6. True or False: Only physical assaults count as workplace violence. 

Answer: False (Workplace violence includes threats, verbal assault, and physical attacks.)

7. Which is a proactive step in preventing workplace violence? 

A) Waiting for an incident to occur before taking action 

B) Conducting background checks on new employees 

C) Increasing job stress to improve performance 

D) Limiting communication between management and staff 

Answer: B

8. True or False: A comprehensive workplace violence prevention program only involves actions from the security team. 

Answer: False (It involves actions from everyone in the organization.)

9. OSHA recommends which of the following for handling reports of workplace violence? 

A) Ignoring minor incidents 

B) Taking all reports seriously 

C) Only addressing issues involving physical contact 

D) Delegating the responsibility to external authorities 

Answer: B

10. True or False: OSHA's guidelines for workplace violence prevention are legally binding. 

Answer: False (While OSHA's guidelines are not laws, some regulations can be enforced under the General Duty Clause.)

11. A risk factor for workplace violence includes: 

A) Flexible work hours 

B) Strong interpersonal communication 

C) Working alone or in isolated areas 

D) High levels of job satisfaction 

Answer: C

12. True or False: Customer service employees are not at risk for workplace violence. 

Answer: False (Customer service employees can be at risk, especially if they handle complaints or exchanges.)

13. What kind of training does OSHA recommend for employees to prevent workplace violence? 

A) Self-defense classes 

B) First-aid training only 

C) How to recognize and de-escalate aggressive behavior 

D) Training on company profits and losses 

Answer: C

14. True or False: It is important to train employees on what to do in the event of an active shooter. 

Answer: True

15. OSHA suggests that incident records of workplace violence should be: 

A) Kept confidential and not disclosed to anyone 

B) Reviewed only by senior management 

C) Analyzed to identify patterns or trends in incidents 

D) Destroyed after a set period to protect employee privacy 

Answer: C

16. True or False: According to OSHA, workplace violence is solely a human resources issue. 

Answer: False (Workplace violence prevention is a company-wide concern.)

17. OSHA identifies which of the following as a form of workplace violence? 

A) Constructive criticism 

B) Intimidation and bullying 

C) Collaborative problem solving 

D) Regular performance reviews 

Answer: B

18. True or False: According to OSHA, only supervisors and managers need to be trained in violence prevention strategies. 

Answer: False (All employees should be trained.)

19. Which factor does OSHA recognize as potentially reducing the risk of workplace violence? 

A) Poor lighting in the workplace 

B) The absence of access controls 

C) Implementation of a buddy system 

D) Lack of employee assistance programs 

Answer: C

20. True or False: OSHA recommends involving law enforcement in the development of a workplace violence prevention plan. 

Answer: True (Involvement of law enforcement can be beneficial in developing and reviewing a prevention plan.)

 Case Study Questions on OSHA Workplace Violence Prevention

Case Study 1: The Late-Night Shift Challenge 

John works as a receptionist in a 24-hour medical facility. His night shifts are often solitary, and recently, a distressed family member of a patient became verbally aggressive towards him. John managed to de-escalate the situation, but he's concerned about the lack of security measures in place during night shifts.


What preventive step can John's employer take to adhere to OSHA's workplace violence prevention guidelines for employees working night shifts?


John's employer should conduct a hazard assessment of the night shift to identify potential risks and then implement appropriate security measures such as installing panic buttons, having a security guard on duty, or ensuring multiple staff are present during these shifts. Training staff in de-escalation techniques and having clear procedures for emergency situations are also crucial steps.


Case Study 2: The Harassing Caller 

Emma is a customer service representative who has been receiving increasingly aggressive calls from a particular customer. The customer has started making personal threats during these calls, and Emma is feeling anxious and unsafe.


According to OSHA guidelines, what immediate and long-term actions should Emma's employer take?


Immediately, Emma's employer should ensure that she feels safe by providing support and possibly involving law enforcement if the threats are serious. Long-term actions include documenting the incidents, possibly blocking the harassing caller, and reviewing and improving protocols for dealing with threatening calls, including employee training on response procedures.


Case Study 3: The Isolated Warehouse Worker 

Liam is a warehouse worker who often works alone in a remote area of the facility. His colleagues have expressed concerns about his isolation, especially after a recent spate of burglaries in nearby buildings.


What strategies should Liam's employer consider to reduce the risk of workplace violence and comply with OSHA's recommendations?


The employer should assess the risk factors associated with working alone in a remote area, improve environmental design such as lighting and access controls, ensure frequent check-ins with isolated workers, provide a means of emergency communication, and consider adopting a buddy system or additional staffing during vulnerable hours.


Case Study 4: The Healthcare Worker’s Dilemma 

Sophia is a nurse in the emergency department. Recently, she was physically threatened by a patient under the influence of drugs. This has not been the first incident of its kind in her department.


What comprehensive approach should the hospital take to address these incidents as per OSHA's workplace violence prevention guidelines?


The hospital should create a detailed workplace violence prevention plan that includes staff training on recognizing and handling aggressive behavior, improved security measures such as panic buttons and secure rooms, procedures for reporting and documenting incidents, and post-incident support for affected workers. Additionally, they could consider employing security personnel with training in handling patients under the influence of substances.

Workplace violence remains a significant concern, with various industries and professions experiencing its impact to differing degrees. In 2020, there were 392 workplace homicides reported, alongside 37,060 nonfatal injuries resulting from intentional injuries by other persons, with service occupations accounting for about half of these nonfatal intentional injuries. The most affected groups included those in sales and related occupations, transportation and material moving, management, construction and extraction, and production, with sales-related occupations experiencing 23.5 percent of all workplace homicides in that year​ (Bureau of Labor Statistics)​.

Understanding workplace violence prevention is a key element in reinforcing workplace safety and deterring aggressions in the workplace. The scenarios we’ve explored demonstrate the necessity of proactive measures and informed responses. Adhering to OSHA’s recommendations helps establish robust defenses against potential threats, ensuring a secure and supportive environment for every employee. Remembering the tips from our quiz can help us all make our workplaces safer and stop trouble before it starts. Let's keep those ideas in mind and work together to keep our workplaces safe and sound for everyone.

Tanvi Arora

Tanvi is a Business Development Executive at Calibr. While primarily occupied with building our outbound sales funnel, she also enjoys writing about eLearning trends in the corporate world.